速報APP / 遊戲 / Memorize Flashing - airplanes

Memorize Flashing - airplanes





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:개발자 연락처 : 상호: 크랜베리 등록 번호: 504-16-12178 통신판매 제 2012-대구중구-3090 호 주소: 대구시 중구 남산4동 남산 휴먼시아 2단지 아파트 201동 2002호 전화번호: 053-253-1833

Memorize Flashing - airplanes(圖1)-速報App

This game's goal is to memorize flashing airplanes and guess them.

There are 4 flying airplanes on the screen.

Among them, 3 airplanes are flashing.

Then memorize 3 flashing airplanes.

If they stops moving, touch previously flashed airplanes.

According game level goes up, appearing airplance count goes up.

Memorize Flashing - airplanes(圖2)-速報App

This will be a chance to test your memorizing ability.

Memorize flashing airplanes with your instantaneous concentration ability and touch them.

Exert your surprising memorizing ability.

What will be your memorizing score?

How about escaping from normal things and focusing on this game?

Expect this game relaxes your body and mind.

Memorize Flashing - airplanes(圖3)-速報App

Compare your score with other's in global leaderboard.

Memorize Flashing - airplanes(圖4)-速報App